One for the stalkers
Just a quick entry because I am in the middle of house packing hell at the moment.
This one is for the nervous family members, nosey parkers and stalkers among you (you know who you are! 😉 )
The Island Cruising Association has set up a way for people to see where in the ocean we are as we travel.
This running fleet position reporting is done through a map on a website called, which will follow us as we progress on each leg of the trip. It’s free so friends and family can use it to have a perve at where we are, and it’s pretty easy to use.
* First go to the website here:
* In the box that says “where is that boat?” type in Wildflower II (long story and the subject of another blog) and press ‘search’
* You’ll see a picture of us with a map next to it. There is an upsidedown teardrop on the map that shows where we are (at the moment it says Chaffers Marina Wellington)
It’s pretty basic at the moment but we will add more information and pretty pictures when we have a bit more time.
A few of you lovelies will be meeting us on various islands to dodge the winter for a bit – and no doubt we will be missing you all by then. For others interested in hanging out in pretty places with us for a while, here’s our itinerary –Â there are lots of cheap flights to the Pacific on at the moment and we would love to see you xx